Frequently Asked Tour Questions
Unless indicated there is no sign-up. Tour leaders will usually reach out to the group close to the trip to get an idea of numbers.
If there is a limit of riders that can attend, the leader will indicate when they send out the notification for the tour.
Typically, the Tour Leader will hold a get-together on the evening before the first ride to review the week's schedule of rides and/or events, as well as to answer any questions people may have. It can also serve as a good social evening for everyone to meet one another.
Social media such as WhatsApp may be used to communicate with riders during the tour. Participants will be notified.
The Tour Leader will collect the names, phone numbers and emergency contacts of attendees. This provides a method of contact in the case of changes or an emergency during the tour. Sharing of contact numbers among attendees is highly encouraged on every Rambler ride but even more so on multiday tours.
Participants are responsible for booking their own accommodation. Members may get together and share accommodation, eg. Airbnb. In some cases, the leader may make arrangements to hold a block of rooms or get a reduced rate for accommodation, on a first come first serve basis.
The default is that participants will be on their own for evening meals/entertainment.
Tour leaders may offer evening meal/entertainment suggestions or arrange for group meals, but this is up to the individual tour leader.
The RC will provide links to all “Ride with GPS” daily routes. Participants are responsible to print or download the routes.
As for any ride, participants should be self-sufficient (food, water, tire, tube, etc.).
It is a good idea for participants travelling solo to buddy up with someone for safety. However, this is the individual’s responsibility, not the tour leader.
As with any ride, ensure you have read the ride description and classification and assessed your ability to handle the conditions.